University of Central Arkansas2017 Institution Survey

Upper Level Writing Courses--Senior Culminating Experience

Does your institution require ALL students complete a senior thesis or other writing-intensive capstone experience?


Is the senior thesis an explicit part of the college writing requirement?


Does your institution require SOME students complete a senior thesis or other writing-intensive capstone experience?


What are the criteria for some students to complete a senior thesis?

Honors students are required to complete a thesis.

Writing across the curriculum (WAC)--General Description

Does your institution have a formal WAC Program?


Is there professional development available for those teaching in the WAC Program or teaching WI courses?


Writing across the curriculum (WAC)--Writing-Intensive Courses

Does your institution require all students to take writing-intensive (WI or W) courses taught by departments other than English or Writing? See Glossary for definitions.


How long has the WI requirement been in existence?

1-3 years

How many WI courses are required beyond the first-year requirement?


How many WI courses are part of a first-year requirement?


When do WI courses need to be completed?

By graduation

Are there explicit goals for the WI courses?


Who certifies that a course fulfills WI designation?

Other Faculty Committee

Are there incentives offered for faculty to teach a WI course?


In academic year 2016/17, what was the course cap for WI courses?

Varies by department

Writing across the curriculum (WAC)--Changes to WAC

Since the academic year 2012/13 have there been changes to the WI or WAC program?


What changes occurred?

WI requirement added

Do you foresee any major changes to WAC on your campus in the next four years?


Feel free to explain any upcoming changes.

The WI requirement is part of the relatively new upper-division core curriculum. There are no real WI requirements in place for these courses, which means that the execution of the WI element varies radically form course to course. I have been working on some ad hoc training workshops for faculty through the Center for Teaching Excellence, which I hope to develop into a more formal WAC program.

The undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor--Description of Undergraduate Major

Does your institution have a creative writing major?


Does your institution have a writing major (other than creative writing)?


What areas of writing can students specialize in as part of the major? Check all that apply.

Technical writing

Rhetoric/ composition


In which department is the major housed?


The undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor--Description of Undergraduate Minor

Does your institution have a creative writing minor?


Does your institution have a writing minor (other than creative writing)?


What areas of writing can students specialize in as part of the minor? Check all that apply.

Professional writing

Technical writing


In which department is the minor housed?


The undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor--Description of Graduate Programs

Does your institution offer a masters degree (MA) in writing (not creative writing)?


Does your institution have a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in writing (not creative writing)?


The undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor--Changes to the Major, Minor, or Graduate Programs

Since the academic year 2012/13, have there been changes to the undergraduate writing major or minor?


What were the changes? Check all that apply.


What were the changes? Check all that apply. - Other--Text

Major revisions to one track of the major (from General Writng to Writing Studies)

Do you foresee changes to the administrative, curricular, or support structures of the writing major, minor, or graduate programs at your institution over the next four years?


Feel free to explain any forthcoming changes.

In AY 2015-16, the Writing Department was relocated as part of a college-level realignment. We are continuing to figure out what the needs of the program are in its new configuration.

Basic or Developmental Writing--Basic or Developmental Writing

Does your institution identify basic writing students who may need additional writing support?


How does the institution identify basic writers? Check all that apply.

SAT/ACT scores

What type of supports are available for basic writers? Check all that apply.

Required basic writing course

Special sections of FYW

Summer bridge program

Professional tutoring--not including from WPA or WCD


Does your institution have a formal basic writing program?


What is the institutional home of the basic writing program?

Other academic department

What percentage of the student body is placed into basic writing?


How many levels of basic writing do you have?


What is the curriculum of the basic writing courses? Check all that apply.


What is the curriculum of the basic writing courses? Check all that apply. - Other - Text

There was not an option for co-requisite courses. Please consider revising this questionnaire to include a just-in-time support course model.

How do students exit basic writing? Check all that apply.


Is there a Director of Basic Writing?


Basic or Developmental Writing--Changes to Basic or Developmental Writing

Since AY 2012/13, have there been changes to the support for basic writers?


What changes have there been to the support for basic writers? Check all that apply.

The content of basic writing courses changed.

The structure of the basic writing courses/program was changed.

Enrollment caps for basic writing courses decreased.

A summer bridge program was added.

Do you foresee changes to the administrative, curricular, or support structures for helping diversely prepared students at your institution over the next four years?


Feel free to explain your answer.

We are changing our placement policy to align with ACT benchmarks and to include high school GPA.

Multilingual Writing Support--Multilingual Writing Support: General

Is support for English Language Learners (ELLs) separate from basic writing?


What percentage of the student body is placed into ELL writing courses, both required and optional?


What is the institutional home of the ELL writing courses?

Intensive English program

Multilingual Writing Support--Multilingual Writing Support: Domestic Students

Does your institution identify domestic English Language Learners (ELLs) who may need additional writing support?


How does the institution identify domestic English Language Learners? Check all that apply.

SAT/ACT scores

Multilingual Writing Support--Multilingual Writing Support: International Students

Does your institution identify international English Language Learners (ELLs) who may need additional writing support?


How does the institution identify International English Language Learners? Check all that apply.

SAT/ACT scores

TOEFL scores