2017 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What else is part of the WAC Program? (n=35)

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  • A disciplinary literacies initiative that brings together postsecondary faculty with middle and secondary teachers.
  • TA Training (orientation and semester-long seminar in writing-in-the-disciplines pedagogy)
  • Our program has nearly 40 lecturers who co-teach in communication-intensive subjects, so that they are taught as interdisciplinary collaborations between faculty in other disciplines, and faculty in Writing, Rhetoric, and Professional Communication.
  • Peer and professional writing tutors
  • Program assessment
  • Rather than WI courses, we have Communication-intensive Courses--meaning that they may also focus on speaking skills. Some CICs are both WI and SI, while others weigh one mode more heavily.
  • Research grants
  • Robust assessment of WI courses.
  • University Writing Committee, which is staffed by a member from each major field; Writing Center
  • One lecture track person directs the program and runs workshops, etc. Sometime, a graduate student fellow assists a few hours a week as support.
  • university-wide writing center; student workshops and programs; undergraduate research journal; opt-in ePortfolio Project; programs to support graduate students, staff, and faculty as writers; events that showcase writing and writing instruction.
  • WAC is part of a curriculum mandate called Skills in the Major (SKIM). In SKIM, all programs not subject to disciplinary accreditation are required to teach and assess students on 6 goals, 1 of which is writing. The others are speaking, critical thinking, ethics, technology, and research. The mandate is Senate legislation and will be phased in over several years. Implementation is just beginning during 2017-8, and we are starting with writing. Hopefully there will be faculty development in support of this.
  • WAC/WID Faculty Partnerships
  • We have a vertical writing curricululum with junior and capstone courses in every program and major.
  • Writing 2&3 courses taught in departments and co-owned by the Writing Program
  • Writing and Information Literacy in the Disciplines (a WEC-inspired collaboration with the libraries)
  • Our "Writing Fellows" are graduate students who support the program, sometimes work with faculty or on assessment projects, and they work in the Writing Center. NOT the same as the undergraduate WF model.
  • My office, the Office of the Campus Writing Coordinator, oversees our WID courses and our WAC initiatives on campus.
  • A university-wide Writing Committee made up of faculty elected by faculty senate
  • Each major, both formal and self-designed, includes a required Writing in the Major course/course sequence (and students who double major must complete the course in each major)
  • As part of a 5-year Writing Excellence Initiative, we have grown our Writing Across the University program to encourage/support faculty to teach writing across the disciplines and staff to teach writing in Student Life and other co- and extra-curricular spaces. Our WAU program also supports faculty and staff with their own professional and personal writing as well.In addition to traditional kinds of faculty/staff development workshops, the WAU offers writing pedagogy grants; scholarship into writing grants; Disciplinary Writing Consultants (our name for Writing Fellows, and run in conjunction with the WC); writing boot camps; interdisciplinary writing groups; writing contests and celebrations; individual consultations; and a Summer Writing Institute.
  • Campus Writing Board of faculty for peer review of WI course proposals.
  • Celebration of student writing from across curriculum
  • Department specific writing requirements for all majors.
  • Departments take some control of how they realize outcomes for writing and speaking, so there is no single model; each implementation and assessment strategy is unique to each department.
  • Development of WID courses
  • Electronic portfolio used in the general education program.
  • Mulitmodal communication intensive learning (written, spoken, visual, technological, and interpersonal) development. Accomplished via - - faculty development activities for communication-intensive courses - student communication skills development activities via communication mentor training and communication mentoring support for students, a communication certificate program, multiple communication learning hubs across campus, and experiential learning via global program partners
  • First-Year level writing diagnostic called the Writing Skills Inventory, as well as a WAC Advisory Board that is making a formal proposal to senate for WI curriculum this spring
  • Graduate assistant training
  • Individual/departmental consultations
  • It includes the campus writing center, TA professional development, consultation on courses, and research oriented to pedagogical change.
  • It is currently under development & will start next year. It will involve a requirement to take a writing-intensive course after completing the FYC requirement.
  • Member of the Liberal Studies committee
  • Written and Oral Communication

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